How I Use My PR Skills To Enjoy Making Sales in My Business

How I started to enjoy sales.

I used to have a visceral reaction to the idea of selling. Selling seemed so cringeworthy and awkward to me but in order to grow in business we have to sell. Sales are a core part of what keeps our businesses growing and thriving. You can have all the publicity in the world, great press, great social media presence with lots of followers and a powerful personal brand but if you don’t know how to convert all of that into tangible sales then everything you’re doing is pretty much meaningless in business. Because as we know business is about making money. We undertake all the necessary activities to entice our audiences to become our clients and customers; influencing them to click our websites and consume our content but we have to become comfortable encouraging them to spend money with us.

How do we get more comfortable selling to people when we don’t enjoy being sold to? How do we get our heads around the sales process so that we’re not losing out on money and opportunities to make a profit? Well I started to think of the conversations I was having not only with my audience but with myself. I started to use my PR skills to change the way I saw sales:

  • Clear communication throughout the process of turning a potential client into a paying client. Having all the information that clients need to make a decision to spend money with readily available. This makes the entire process smooth and usually leads to a sale pretty quickly.

  • Honesty and authenticity helps me to convert clients - by being honest about the services that I offer I can manage expectations and reassure my potential clients that working with me will be a worthwhile experience.

  • Using testimonials to remind potential clients of my credibility - I encourage former clients to share their feedback so that I can improve but also for me to reassure potential clients that my services are a fantastic investment.

    I share more thoughts and ideas in this video:

When I started to get out of my own way, selling became much more of an enjoyable experience for me. I’m still learning but every day I get better and better. Hopefully this helps you to become more comfortable with selling in your own business.


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