Why working with a black publicist matters

Working with a Black publicist in the UK can offer numerous benefits to clients; particularly when it comes to understanding and effectively navigating Black British culture in the context of public relations. 

A Black publicist* is most likely to have a deeper understanding of Black British culture, including its traditions, values, and sensitivities. This knowledge is crucial in developing PR strategies that resonate with the target audience and avoid cultural missteps or misunderstandings.  There have been so many instances where I have seen unnecessary PR crises occur because the teams behind the PR campaigns have very little understanding of cultural diversity due to cultural insensitivity or lack of awareness. Hiring Black PR talent or hiring a Black publicist can help mitigate these risks by providing cultural insights and guiding the team toward more informed decision-making. With the caveat that Black British communities are not a monolith - a good publicist/PR professional will know that there are a variety of African and Caribbean diasporan communities with their own unique experiences, cultures and traditions. 

In terms of representation of brands, particularly brands and public figures with primarily white audiences, Black publicists can provide authentic representation and perspectives within the media and PR campaigns. They can ensure that diverse voices are heard and that the portrayal of Black public figures and communities is accurate and respectful.

I love networking - not necessarily the act of networking itself which is great but can sometimes be overwhelming however I really appreciate the impact it can have on our relationship building and widening our community circles. As a Black PR professional/publicist I have built an extensive network within the Black British business and media community. These connections have been invaluable when working on PR strategy, securing media coverage for client stories, or partnering with influencers and community leaders. This is something that many other Black colleagues in the sector have on also benefited from in their own experience. 

A Black publicist/PR Professional with their fingers on the pulse can keep their clients informed about the latest trends, issues, and discussions within Black British communities. Staying up-to-date with these insights is essential for creating relevant and timely campaigns that speak to Black diasporan audiences.  Black PR pros can use these insights to develop strategies that resonate with audiences, leading to increased engagement and positive brand perception.

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on diversity and inclusion in the corporate world. Working with a Black publicist demonstrates a commitment to GENUINE inclusivity and can help companies avoid tokenism and greenwashing. Organisations like BME PR Pros and UK Black Comms network are also part of the progressive leadership disrupting the PR industry to drive genuine and tangible change. 

Black publicists can help bring attention to positive stories and accomplishments within the Black British communities. This can help counter stereotypes and promote a more accurate representation of Black people and their contributions to wider society. That is not to say that our role is not to help share the truth; there are stories that need to be told even if they make people uncomfortable but Black PR pros can at least provide balanced perspectives when working with the media and undertaking media relations campaigns.

Working with a Black publicist in the UK can lead to more culturally sensitive, relevant, and successful public relations campaigns. Our insights and expertise in navigating Black British culture can help companies foster genuine connections with diverse audiences while promoting inclusivity and understanding.

Learn more about the services that I offer in engaging with Black British Communities and audiences here

*I have used the term “publicist” here to cover PR professional although some would argue that a publicist focuses mainly on media relations I have used it interchangeably here.


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