The Power of Relationships - Hard Work is Not Enough

This interview clip featuring Vice-Chair and MD at Morgan Stanley, Carla Harris, which highlights the power of relationships is so powerful that I want everyone to watch and share it.

I have reiterated this message during any private consultations or seminar sessions that I facilitate on personal branding and networking. In the PR industry, relationships are key and can make or break a brand or even an individual's career journeys. I encourage clients and contacts to understand that the same principles which apply to business brands can often apply to individual personal brands, not just entrepreneurs but professionals too.

For too long we have worked under the narrative that hard work is enough, particularly as Carla mentions, within Black communities. The idea that hard work will get us to where we want to get to is not entirely true and we can see that when we look at who often holds the keys to power in society and we look at structures like "The Old Boys's Network".  It is undeniable that hard work leads us to the the standard doors of opportunity but the rules of the game of life are not simply based on how many qualifications we have or (unfortunately) how hard working we are, the power of relationships reminds of this time and time again. Hard work can get us to the door but it won't always open up the door or even get us through that door. We need to build and maintain the right relationships - recognise who you are, identify what you want and use who you really are to build relationships that will get you to where you want to go in life.

By building the right relationships, for the right reasons and by maintaining authentic, intentional and purposeful communication within those relationships you can go so much further. The energy flow within those relationships should be genuine; give as much as you receive, don't become a taker or user, build trust and a clearly defined reputation. Build relationships that add value to all involved, relationships that enrich spaces not as a means to stroke egos stand the test of time. 

By all means continue to work hard but remember that relationships will work just as hard to get you to where you want to get to. Watch Carla Harris' full interview here.

I help clients see the value of building relationships in order to solidify their personal brands. If you want to work with me get in touch and let’s make breakthroughs happen in your business or professional life.


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