Media Training 5 week Programme


This 5 week media training programme is ideal for any brand ambassadors, professionals, public figures or business owners who will be undertaking media interviews for the first time or anyone who needs to improve on their delivery.

The programme is conducted remotely and over the course of 5 weeks the media training will cover:

Week 1: Media relations - Understanding the media platforms that you will engage with

Week 2: Tone and Public speaking - Tips on the best delivery of your message.

Week 3: Confidence building - getting over nerves, boosting your self-esteem and maintaining your authenticity/truth. Clarity of message pertaining to the brand or core idea of service.

Week 4: Personal branding - Understanding who you are and what message you want to share with the media.

Week 5: The relationship between social media and the press.

We will also undertake scenarios in which you will learn how to handle various stages of media attention - including role play and interview practice. It will include a 1 or 2 hour video call or face to face Session and written follow up summary.

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All sessions are conducted remotely.

Each session is between 50minutes - 1 hour long.

Once you book your sessions they are valid for up to 6 months however it is advisable to take them simultaneously (maximum 2 week gap in between sessions)